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First step

The industrial fact is that sponsors need quick and cheap jobs, whereas engineers concentrate on quality and accuracy. Sometimes situations may arise that sponsors adjust the quality of job, due to over budget or time consuming.

Second step

As future engineers, students must convince sponsors for their job. Students and their report needs to overcome the problems like sponsers, additional requirements, low quality, miscommunication, high expenses and delays. Students with no experience face much difficulty in this.

Third step

Hence VertexSoft stands firmly behind them.We create strong reports for them and also serve them with guidance. Our aim is to create the best future engineers.

Fourth step

The Interim Report created by us focuses on strong aim and objectives of the project, explains research, represents project achievements, and demonstrates efforts taken to complete the project on time.

Fifth step

This Interim Report is structured in such a manner that students come up with high grades. Join us now and live stress free. We design the best path for you to achieve your career goals.

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Our objective through this service is to offer direct mentoring and guidance from our consultants to the candidate. However, to avoid inconvenience to both, only email mode to contact is offered. Further, on request a weekly update call can be organised.